Annual General Meeting: Wednesday, November 22
The GKSSA AGM will be held at 7:00 PM in the Press Room at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour on Wednesday, November 22. All teams (indoor and outdoor) must send a team representative.
Rose & Crown LCFC III Win Fair Play Award
Rose & Crown LCFC III
Fair Play Award winners
Congratulations to Rose & Crown LCFC III of Division C for winning the Fair Play Award. Rose & Crown LCFC III accumulated six cautions in regular season play, and six in total.
2006 Playoff Winners
Division A Playoff Champions
Congratulations to Sporting for winning the Division A playoff championship match 6-2 against Soccer Plus Arsenal FC.
Sleep Factory United
Division B Playoff Champions
Congratulations to Sleep Factory United for winning the Division B playoff championship match 2-1 against Cataraqui II.
Division C Playoff Champions
Congratulations to Nooners for winning the Division C playoff championship match 3-0 against Portuguese OT.
2006 Regular Season Champions
Congratulations to our divisional regular season champions. Well done!
Soccer Post Arsenal FC
Division A League Champions
Congratulations to Soccer Post Arsenal FC for winning the regular season in Division A with 46 points. They finished 4 points ahead of second place Kingston Fever and 18 points ahead of third place Sporting.
Sleep Factory United
Division B League Champions
Congratulations to Sleep Factory United for winning the regular season in Division B with 49 points. They finished 10 points ahead of Philthy McNasty’s and 15 points ahead of Limestone City LCFC II.
Cataraqui III
Division C League Champions
Congratulations to Cataraqui III for winning the regular season in Division C with 41 points. They finished 3 points ahead of JKL Rangers and 5 points ahead of the Nooners.
2006 Cup Winners
Vita SC
President's Cup Champions
Congratulations to Vita SC for winning the President's Cup 2-1 against Soccer Post Arsenal FC.
Cataraqui II
Nathalie Cave Memorial Cup Champions
Congratulations to Cataraqui II for winning the Nathalie Cave Memorial Cup 4-0 against JKL Rangers.
Goal Nets at the Frontenac SS Field Are Up
The nets are now up on the goals at the Frontenac SS field and it will remain that way through to the end of our season there. (Games at Novelis still requires each team to bring and install a net before kick-off.)
Please Report Scores by E-mail
Due to temporary problems with the score-reporting phone number (541-2000 x1486) team managers are asked to always e-mail the results of their games to Statisician Kevin McEleney at . You must report the score, goals, cards, shutouts, and MVPs for both teams. Each team must do this the night of the game. Thanks for your co-operation.
Cup Game Format
All games in the President’s Cup and Nathalie Cave Cup competitions will be full-length games. In the case of a draw after 90 minutes, two extra time periods of 10 minutes each will be held. There is no golden or silver or magnesium goal, just like at that tournament in Germany. If the score is still tied after 20 minutes of extra time, a penalty kick shootout will determine the winner.
Cup Schedules Now On-Line
The schedules for the President’s Cup and Nathalie Cave Cup tournaments are now on-line. The first game is a Nathalie Cave Cup match on Wednesday, July 5th (Loyal Oarsman vs. Rose & Crown LCFC III) and there are two President’s Cup matches on Friday, July 7th.
The final team draw will be made shortly. Until then, B Division teams do not know exactly when and where and who they’ll play. (The top part of Division B will compete for the President’s Cup with Division A teams; the bottom part of B will compete with Division C teams for the Nathalie Cave Cup.)
Two More Discipline by Review Committee Members Are Needed!
Your GKSSA needs two more DBR Committee members, preferably one from Division B and one from Division C. These positions do not require very much of your time but they are an important part of our peer review discipline process. There aren’t meetings for you to attend; believe it or not you do your part by participating in a joint review of incidents with DBRC members via e-mail (definitely not to be confused with those “get rich by sending e-mail from home” schemes).
Please contribute your time to help run the soccer league you enjoy. If you are interested in stepping up and helping out, contact Pierre Vanderhout.
Match A24 Has Been Forfeited
Match A24, originally scheduled for Friday, June 16 at McCullough 2 between El Salvador and Sporting will not take place. It has been forfeited by El Salvador for non-payment of the league fees.
No Beer at the Fields!
This shouldn’t be news to anyone, but drinking alcohol in an unlicensed public place is illegal (yes, even after a hard fought soccer match on a warm summer night in Kingston). If you do so, you run the risk of being fined by the police as well as by the GKSSA.
Rule 14.A of our Rules and Regulations states:
No team shall be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages (including but not limited to beer) at or near the soccer fields. These facilities are public or private facilities made available for the use of the league with the understanding that the privilege of their use will be respected. Any team (or their supporters) that is proven to be breaking this rule will be fined a minimum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each occurrence.
Please respect the fields and those who own them. Park only in the appropriate locations; don’t litter; clean up litter; don’t abuse the facilities; and don’t drink in public.
30th Annual CAN-AM Friendship Soccer Tournament
The Cataraqui Soccer Club is proud to be this year’s host of the 30th Annual CAN-AM Friendship Soccer Tournament this weekend: Friday, May 26 through Sunday, May 28. All games will be held at Woodbine Park. There is a total of eight teams competing: four from Canada, four from the USA.
Our MPP, the Honourable John Gerretson, and Mr. John Dickson, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy to Canada, will acknowledge the uniqueness of this tournament at the park during a special ceremony at 3 PM on Saturday.
This tournament is also being used to help raise funds for the Alan Francis Indoor Soccer Field in Napanee. More information on the Tournament is available here, on the Cataraqui Soccer Club’s site.
Oldtimer’s Team Looking for Players
Tom’s Place is looking for players 35 or more years-old for their team in the local Oldtimer’s league. Games will be played on Fridays from June to October. If you’re interested, please contact Seamus Ryan at 549-5018 or through e-mail to seamus.ryan at
Goal Nets at the Frontenac SS Field
Until the end of June, each team that plays at the Frontenac SS field must provide and install their own goal netting before kick-off!
Novelis Field Unavailable on May 15
Games C1 and C2 were originally scheduled to be played at the Novelis field on May 15. The field is not available on that date and other fields will be found for these matches.
2006 Outdoor Schedule is Now On-line
The 2006 Outdoor Regular Season schedule is now on-line. President Cup games and Nathalie Cave Cup games and playoff games are not yet shown, but they will be soon.
Some other parts of the GKSSA web site are not yet completely ready for the new season (for example, team pages are not there yet and contact information is not available yet), but they’ll be coming along soon too.
Team Sheets and Fees are Due!
The balance of your team fees as well as your completed teams sheets are now due! Please submit both to GKSSA Registrar Maureen Sakell as soon as possible.
2005-06 team name changes
As happens each season, there are some new teams and some teams that change names. This is intended to be a short listing of each.
- Fever is now known as Kingston Fever.
- Philthy McNasty's is a new team in the B division.
- KUSC I is a new team in the B division.
- Loyalist is now known as The Keg FC.
- Vita SC is now known as Vita Inter SC.
- Crystal Palace is now known as Portsmouth FC.
- K.U.S.C. is now known as KUSC II.
- Cocamo Nooners is now known as Nooners.
21st Annual Kingston Outdoor Senior Soccer Tournament
Kingston’s Porto Soccer team is once again organizing an outdoor senior soccer tournament. This year it will be held on June 3rd and 4th. They are accepting teams in the following divisions: Men’s Competitive; Men’s Recreational; Women’s (Open); and Men’s Old Timers (35+, two players 32+).
The registration fee is $325 per team and all teams are guaranteed to play at least three games of 50 minutes each. Registration deadline is May 3, 2006. Questions may be addressed to Abel Almeida at (613) 353-2052 (h) or (613) 547-3675 (w).
If you’re interested in entering, or for (slightly) more information,
download the tournament’s registration form.
2006 Outdoor Season
The GKSSA 2006 outdoor season starts on Monday, May 15th with five C Division matches. The first B and A Division games follow on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 16th and 17th.
GKSSA General Meeting and Registration for the 2006 Outdoor Season
A GKSSA General Meeting will held on Wednesday, April 12 at 7:00 at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour. All teams must send an official representative. Failure to attend or to properly notify the league in advance will result in your team being fined.
Also, all outdoor teams owe the GKSSA a deposit of $900 for the 2006 outdoor season. This deposit is due at April’s general meeting. If this deposit is not received on time, your team’s entry in to this year’s outdoor league is not assured!
In addition, all indoor teams that owe the GKSSA player fees or fines must remit full payment on or before April 12’s General Meeting. This payment must not be included in the same cheque used to pay the $900 outdoor season deposit.
Competitive players that are interested in trying out for the Limestone City Football Club’s team entry in the 2006 season of Ottawa-Carleton Soccer League (OCSL) should phone Brian Morton at 634-0180 right away. There is a meeting and work-out for prospective players on Saturday, March 18 at Frontenac Secondary School. You may also contact Brian by e-mail at .