GKSSA - Player Statistics

Player Statistics for Nicholas Matos

team uniform Rangers

B4 Rangers  3
Riverhead Brewing FC  2
Saturday, Apr.27 03:45 PM
Richardson Stadium
Yellow Card   88'Y4 - failing to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a dropped ball, corner kick, free kick or throw in
B10 CFB Kingston Knights  2
Rangers  1
Tuesday, May.07 08:30 PM
MikMac Field
Yellow Card   70'Y2 - dissent by word or action
B28 Rangers  1
Winmar FC  5
Tuesday, Jun.25 09:00 PM
John Machin Turf
Yellow Card   43'Y6 - unsporting behaviour
B33 CFB Kingston Knights  2
Rangers  3
Tuesday, Jul.02 06:30 PM
CFB McNaughton
B38 Rangers  6
Athletic Kerala FC  2
Tuesday, Jul.16 08:30 PM
MikMac Field
Goal   69'

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