2008-09 Indoor Regular Season Champions
Triple Crowns
Division A League Champions
Congratulations to Triple Crowns for winning the regular season in Division A with 50 points. A 16-2-2 record propelled Triple Crowns to a three point win over Portuguese Benfica.
Cancoil Benfica
Division B League Champions
Congratulations to Cancoil Benfica for winning the regular season in Division B with 49 points. Cancoil Benfica with a 16-1-3 record won by a point over Brandees III and their 16-0-4 record.
FC Porto
Division M League Champions
Congratulations to FC Porto for winning the regular season in Division M with 51 points. FC Porto won by two points with a 17-0-3 record over Valhalla's 16-1-3 record.
Soccer Clinic with Danny Dichio and Greg Sutton of Toronto FC
Quarry Sportsplex and RMC Soccer are sponsoring a one-day soccer clinic on Friday, January 30 for U9-U16 girls and boys. The cost of $135 includes 5 hours of training, lunch, a t-shirt, and prizes.
Toronto FC players Danny Dichio and Greg Sutton will be leading the technical skills and goalkeeper-specific programs, respectively.
Additional information and registration forms are available at the Quarry dome or through Mike Akai.
Yes, the Dome is Up Again!
In case you hadn’t heard, the Quarry Sportsplex dome is back up and functioning again. The GKSSA 2008-2009 Indoor schedule resumes there on Sunday, January 4th.
The games that were postponed in late December will be rescheduled.
All Games on Sunday, December 21st are Cancelled!
All games scheduled for Sunday, December 21st have been cancelled due to Friday’s collapse of the Quarry Sportsplex dome.
As of Saturday afternoon, it is expected that the dome will be repaired in time for Monday night’s games to proceed as scheduled.
Referee Clinic on February 21st and 22nd
SOSA’s two-day Referee Clinic originally scheduled for the last weekend in January has been re-scheduled for February 21 and 22, 2009 (Saturday and Sunday).
If you’d like to become a referee and are interested in this course, contact Rob McDonald.
Indoor Rules and Regulations
The GKSSA Indoor Rules and Regulations have been updated.
Besides the link here, you may also find it, as well as the outdoor rules, in the sidebar to the left.
As of November 12, the indoor rules and regulations have been updated again, only slightly. The deadline for reporting game results is now noon of the day following the game (previously it was specified as midnight on the day of the game).
The 2008-2009 Indoor Schedule is now Online!
To go directly to a team’s schedule, click the link for Division A, B, or M schedules in the sidebar at the left and then click on the team name.
Future Footballers Clinic at Quarry Sportsplex!
There’s a terrific learning opportunity for young soccer players between the ages of 8–16 years! Three soccer clinics will be held on November 29 and 30 at the Quarry Sportsplex and they’ll be directed by Canadian soccer stars Christine Sinclair, Jim Brennan, and Paul James.
This special event is sponsored in cooperation with GOL TV and participants may appear in the television shows that are produced as part of this new national grassroots soccer training and development program.
The cost is $185 per child and there are only 56 spots for each of the three age groups: 8–10 years old; 11–13 years old; and 14–16 years old. Registration is on a first come-first served basis and requires both payment and completion of a liability form. (the latter is available at the KWSC web site).
For more information or to enrol, contact the Quarry Sportsplex at (613) 549-5795.
GKSSA Annual General Meeting
The GKSSA AGM will be held on Wednesday, November 26TH at 7:00 PM at the Invista Centre (1350 Gardiner’s Road at Fortune Crescent).
Both indoor and outdoor teams must have at least one representative in attendance. (Teams without representation will be fined $50, as according to our 2008 Rules and Regulations.)
Registration for Indoor
Registration for the 2008-2009 Indoor soccer season is next Thursday, September 25, from 7:00 PM–8:00 PM at Stoney’s Restaurant (on the bar side), in downtown Kingston.
All games will be played on Sundays from 9:00 AM–5:00 PM, (except for the over-35 division that will play on Monday evenings) as we have lost our Tuesday evening slots. The team fees for the 2008-2009 indoor season are $2,075. If you don’t have an existing outdoor team bond, you must buy one for $200 (returned at season’s end, less any unpaid fines). Player books may be purchased for $3.
We apologize for the late notice but we have been trying to obtain more time at the dome and RMC but to no avail.
Please remember you must pay your fees on Thursday to ensure your spot, as we currently have a waiting list of 6 new teams. For the benefit of the teams on the waiting list, teams from last year that are not returning are requested to inform the GKSSA executive.